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What is a Tissue Flotation Bath?

A tissue flotation bath is an essential instrument utilized in the histology laboratory workflow, specifically after the step of cutting paraffin sections and before mounting them on slides. This specialized bath facilitates the relaxation and smoothing of tissues, ensuring optimal adherence of paraffin sections to slides. By eliminating wrinkles and folds, tissue flotation baths prepare sections for seamless examination under a microscope.

Key Benefits:

Tissue Relaxation and Smoothing:

  • Tissue flotation baths provide a gentle environment for tissues to relax and smoothen after the paraffin sectioning process. This step is crucial for achieving flat, distortion-free sections suitable for microscopic analysis.

Enhanced Adherence to Slides:

  • By promoting optimal adhesion of paraffin sections to slides, tissue flotation baths ensure secure mounting and prevent sections from detaching during subsequent staining or processing steps.

Wrinkle and Fold Removal:

  • The gentle heating and flotation action of the bath effectively remove wrinkles and folds from paraffin sections, resulting in high-quality slides suitable for accurate histological examination.